
Showing posts from November, 2021

Bodies of two Covid patients found in mortuary 15 months after they died

The decomposing bodies of two Covid-19 patients have been discovered in a mortuary in India more than 15 months after their deaths last year. The grisly discovery came to light this weekend during a scheduled cleaning at the mortuary of ESIC Rajajinagar Hospital in Bengaluru (formerly Bangalore), when staff chanced upon the bodies lying forgotten in a freezer, police and hospital officials told The Independent. Hospital officials said the bodies were wrapped in sealed body bags signifying them as Covid victims, and that they were still carrying identifying tags. They have been named as Durga Sumithra, a 40-year-old woman, and N L Muniraju, a 67-year-old man. Both of them died during the first  htt...

Covid: Ministri su 'izgubili poruku', upozoravaju savjetnici i naučnici

 Ministri u Engleskoj "izgubili su poruku" zbog Covid-19 , upozorili su naučni savjetnici i vodeći stručnjaci - istog dana kada su decentralizirane nacije ojačale vlastite strategije protiv virusa. Dok je Sjeverna Irska pojačala svoje smjernice za rad od kuće, a škotska vlada je priznala da je zemlja u "neizvjesnom" položaju, naučnici u Engleskoj upozorili su da Downing Street mora "ozbiljnije" shvatiti Covid dok zemlja ulazi u zimu. Stručnjaci vjeruju da je razmjena poruka zaobišla osnovne mjere kao što su nošenje maski i izbjegavanje prepunih, neventiliranih prostora – politike koje aktivno guraju najbliži susjedi Engleske. Jedan član vladine Naučne savetodavne grupe za vanredne situacije (Sage) rekao je da ovaj savet treba da „neprestano potkrepljuju ljudi na vlasti“.

Covid cases: UK suffers highest daily tally in a month

Image The UK has recorded its highest range of daily Covid-19 cases in nearly a month - 46,807. It’s the worst one-day figure for brand new infections since 22 October. Within the past week, a total of 277,261 new cases are diagnosed - a rise of fourteen.five per cent on the previous week, government figures show. And another 199 deaths were reported in twenty four hours, the information shows, bringing the UK total to 143,559. But separate figures  https://www.expatr...